Limit Number of Pets for Online Reservation
When making an online reservation limit number of pets and show message to guest stating a maximum of x number of pets are allowed.

Thank you for your suggestion on a way we can improve the RMS IBE.
Currently available for setup in RMS 9+ is the ability to specify a minimum and maximum number of additional charge type labels, such as dogs on a Rate Type.
These additional labels can optionally be displayed to RMS IBE by selecting them in Online Options setup and if the Rate Type is made available to RMS IBE, the limitations will apply during the booking process the same as if 3 Adults are chosen and Categories are setup to accept no more than 2.
We appreciate your valuable feedback and look forward to introducing exciting new features from our user suggestions in the coming months.
Kind Regards,
RMS Product Development
Anonymous commented
Agree - If online booking fields can recognize occupancy fields as to not allow too many people, then it should be an EASY fix to apply this to the pet fields as well.
Online bookings should also NOT allow someone with a pet, to be able to book a room that is NOT pet-friendly. The fields should be able to stop this. Please fix! This makes no sense!