We need to be able to change the number of people in a booking over different dates
We need to be able to change the number of people in a booking over different dates, for example day 1- 2 adults, day 2- 4 adults.
This is a basic feature, which will eliminate current incorrect occupancy stats.

Thank you for your suggestion on a way we can improve RMS 9+.
Currently available on the Guest tab of reservations is the ability to specify the reservation dates each guest is included in the occupancy of the reservation.
Whilst viewing a reservation, navigate to the Guest tab, select a Guest and choose the ‘Edit Dates’ button. This will display a screen to set the individual dates this particular guest is staying.
We appreciate your valuable feedback and look forward to introducing exciting new features from our user suggestions in the coming months.
Kind Regards,
RMS Product Development
Mark commented
Mark commented
Extra guests could be added thru the reservation Screen,Total Tariff hot key this already shows The daily breakdown of tariff & eadditionals across the stay.
Mark commented
It would be nice to change the No. of guests that stay each night over their stay e.g.( Mon 2A,2C - Tue 2A,3C - Wed 2A,0C)
This would help keep any occupancy reports correct, and the in house guest list should be perfect if it was ever needed to be used for an evacuation.
I think the perfect spot for this is - after saving a booking and keep the res. open we could click on total tariff (this currently gives us a tariff break down day to day)we could update guest No. here for each day.