When generating and emailing the invoice the pdf name should be client name, date of booking rather than date of invoice and inv number.
Its confusing when you send a batch of invoices all on the same day direct from the system for different bookings ie 8 weeks booked throughout the year and every invoice has the same file name so it looks like a duplicate rather than separate invoices. If it had the client name, start date of booking and invoice number as the attachment name it would be far more efficient. ie Playschool Booking WC 17.08.15 Inv 22659
Anonymous commented
If any change were to take place, it would have to be a setting option so that people who do not want to change this can keep as-is
Melissa commented
We have also had complaints about this from clients who receive multiple emails from us on any given day. Definitely make our clients happy.
Kane Ansell commented
I would go a few steps further and suggest this should be customisable to suit the property. Not every property will want Client Name - Date of Booking either.
Some will want different names created depending on which Company or Travel Agents might be involved, so we should be able to set a default Naming Convention for the attachments at 4 different levels. Those levels are:
Per Agent
Per Company
Per IndividualWith any of the latter 3 overriding the Property-Wide setting if such a setting has been provided for that particular Agent, Company or Individual.
Some possible combinations could be, and feel free to add more:
ClientName - InvNumber
CompanyName-VoucherNo <-- for the Purchase Order No.Please share any other combinations or other enhancements to this idea that you may have.
Anonymous commented
Yes!! I have had numerous comments from clients about this as we often send out multiple invoices at once, it would assist them in keeping track of them better. Can't support this idea enough.